Tekniikka & Talous published an article about us a few days ago (available here), reporting about our new pilot project in Kotkamills. We are piloting our wood moisture and density analyzer W-MOD, which is built for pulp factories and bioenergy plants. W-MOD measures the total water and dry wood flow, which a pulp factory can use to optimize pulping conditions.
We started the pilot project in September by installing our sampling system to Kotkamills during a factory maintenance shutdown. After the factory was back in operation, we installed our other hardware.
The goal of the pilot is to prove our W-MOD can operate in a factory environment and measure accurately. To prove this, Kotkamills personnel will measure the same sample with W-MOD and conventional gravimetric method. Additionally, our goal is to have one month of uninterrupted operation. The pilot is scheduled to last for the whole winter and end in March 2021.
Read more about our W-MOD here, and about the results of the pilot here.