Analyze Optimize Improve

Revolutionizing the analysis of large material flows

Analyze 100% of your material volume inline and in real-time.



Monitor 100% of the material flow in real-time, not just the surface.


The measurement is non-contact and easy to integrate on to the existing conveyor line, pipeline or silo.


Optimize the material feed content based on real-time data.

Any Material

Analyze almost any solid or liquid,


Services & Solutions

Our expertise is in nuclear physics and its applications in elemental analysis. We combine neutron sources with detectors to create tailored measurement systems for process lines and laboratories. There are four main solutions we offer based on clients’ needs.

Inline Elemental Analysis

With NeutronGate online measurement operators can analyze 100% of their material volume in real time. Operators can react to changes in raw material elemental composition and optimize it during or before the process. Optimized material feed results in higher quality, improved process control and savings in material, energy and CO2.

Laboratory Elemental Analysis

We measure elemental composition for most liquids and solids. Using neutron activation analysis, we are able to perform inexpensive elemental analysis faster than using only typical elemental measurements.

Neutron generator Hardware

We provide neutron generator hardware to universities and other research facilities. Providing up to 1E10 n/s  neutrons per second with D-D fusion and high neutron pulse intensity.


Industries we serve

Mining Industry

Detect desired and undesired elements and control the moisture for optimize aglo- meration in heap linching.

Power Plants

Gain precise data of the biomass fuel feed entering the boiler furnace in real-time. 


Steel Industry

Control and stabilize the raw material elemental composition prior to the furnace on the feeding belt through the complete volume

Pellets flowing to a conveyor belt

Other Industries

Neutron technologies are versatile, as neutrons can pass through most materials.  With neutron activation analysis the operators can measure almost any solid or liquid materials.


Neutrongate delivers raw material analyzer to Outokumpu

Neutrongate has installed OreGate raw material analyzer on a conveyor belt to analyze the elemental composition of the raw materials fed into the ferrochrome smelting furnace. To achieve the best performance, the OreGate analyzer is customized to meet the exact needs and requirements of Outokumpu.

Tornio Ferrochrome Works has total annual ferrochrome production capacity of 530,000 tonnes and includes the largest FeCr furnace in the world.

Company and technology

Expert Partner

In the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements, Neutron technology stand poised to revolutionize conventional measurement methodologies across various sectors.

At Neutrongate, we specialize in harnessing the power of Neutron technology to deliver exceptional value to our diverse clientele spanning various industries.

What sets us apart is our unrivaled technology and dynamic approach, which empower us to provide adaptable, cutting-edge solutions to our customers.

Neutron Technology Introduction

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