Elemental Analysis

InLine Analysis

100% of material volume inline and in real-time

NeutronGate inline elemental analysis system allows operators to analyze 100% of the material volume inline and in real-time. Operators can react to changes in raw material elemental composition to optimize it during or before the process.

The measurement is non-invasive so the system can be integrated into a conveyor line or pipeline with little or no interference to the normal operation of the production line.

Method excels on non-homogenous and non-uniform material flows. Best performance is achieved when the elements on interest are in high concentrations. The system can measure almost any solid, liquid or slurries.

OreGate and Wmode are examples of inline analysis systems. OreGate has been tailored for FeCr furnace operators so they can optimize the elemental composition of the raw material feed prior to the furnace. (See the photo on the right)

PGNAA technology in inline elemental analysis

In inline elemental analysis NeutronGate uses a technique called Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) to measure elemental composition of the material flow. With PGNAA, material is irradiated with neutrons exciting it, while the relaxation of that state results in a gamma response of the irradiated material.
The response is characteristic to the elemental composition of the material, providing accurate means to measure the elemental composition. NeutronGate’inline analysis enables the elemental analysis of the whole material flow volume, not just the surface. The measurement depth is up to 50cm.
Neutrongate leverages NeutronGate innovative particle accelerator, detector and software technology to provide the best possible data of your materiel feed in real-time.


Improved performance

The variability of mined raw material is a challenge in plant process control. With NeutronGate   inline analysis operator has real time data of the material feed before furnace and can   optimize the raw material elemental composition before furnace.

Easy to integrate

Neutrongate inline Analysis is non-contact measurement and can be installed on the    existing conveyor belt, process pipeline, silo or laboratory with minimum alterations.

Tailored solution

The modular nature of the system allows customization of neutron production, detectors and analysis algorithms to meet client’s specific applications.


No radiactive isotope sources.

Benefits of InLine Analysis

  • Accurate data of the elemental composition of the whole raw material volume
  • Adjust raw material feed during process
  • Optimize the elemental concentrations in the raw material feed

Optimized Composition of the Material

- Accurate data of the elemental composition of the whole raw material volume - Adjust raw material feed during process - Optimize the elemental concentrations in the raw material feed

Improved Process Control

Enable real time process control and data based decisions Stabilize the process fluctuations and eliminate problematic behavior of the furnace Less shutdowns and malfunctions

Savings in energy, raw material and CO2

• Enable real time process control and data based decisions. • Stabilize the process fluctuations and eliminate problematic behavior of the furnace. • Less shutdowns and malfunctions

Outokumpu Ferrochrome Works

OreGate at Outokumpu Ferrochrome works

NeutronGate is delivering OreGate online raw material analyzer for Outokumpu’s Tornio Ferrochrome works. OreGate is installed on a conveyor belt to analyze the elemental composition of the raw materials fed into the ferrochrome smelting furnace. To achieve the best performance, the OreGate anlalyzer is customized to meet the exact needs and requirements of Outokumpu.

Read more here.

Interested on how our technology can benefit your business?

Contact us at: info@neutrongate.com